Friday, January 29, 2010

Puerto del Sol and now, Din!

as many know, NMSU has had a literary magazine for more than 30 years, Puerto del Sol, now under the editorship of Carmen Smith. These days we have a new undergraduate, online literary magazine called Din, edited by our undergrads in our online publishing class.


n. The new undergraduate online literary magazine at NMSU
n. A loud noise, a commotion
n. Confused clamor or uproar
v. To assail with loud, continued noise; to impress by persistent repetition

Din, NMSU’s new online literary magazine, is now accepting submissions.

We will accept multiple submissions from authors, but only one submission per author per mode. Modes included are visual art, poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, podcast, and video. Maximum submission length is 5 pages/5 poems, 4,000-5,000 words for prose and links to multimedia works (preferably 10 min. or less).

Submissions will be accepted Feb. 1 through March 31, 2010. Submissions should be sent to